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Left-wing extremists are waging a campaign to rewrite America’s history to suit their socialist agenda. Go back to the beginning and teach from primary resources using our curriculum guides that trace the providential hand of God in America’s founding. Written for grades K-12 in a clear and concise way that will draw your students in to see their own relationship to Christianity, to America, and to put into practice their own Christian self-government and liberty under law. Get started with our 3 primary resource curriculum guides (shown below), which directs your teaching and learning from our seminal volumes, and then add supplementary titles for more in-depth study (listed below under Featured Products).

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Order Now The Noah Plan History and Geography Curriculum Guide uses the Principle Approach method and content for teaching history and geography at all grade levels from a providential view using primary sources. It is thoroughly and thoughtfully designed to contain everything home educating parents or Christian school teachers need to develop a complete history and geography curriculum. History is the backbone of the Principle Approach for it lights the path for the student to learn the story of every nation as it relates to God’s purposes and plan of redemption. It is broken open for students through principles, leading ideas and the accomplishments of historic figures. Included is a short guide on teaching state history. Geography is taught as an independent subject, contrasted with the socialist view of teaching history, geography and language arts as social studies. Geography includes understanding the individuality of each continent, country, culture, language and God’s purpose in time. The Geography and History Guide includes scope and sequence charts for grades K-12 for both history and geography, plus, model lessons, methods, key links on the Chain of Christianity, maps, charts, field study tours, short plays, research project ideas and more. 339 pages $39.95.

Order NowPrinciples of American Government is a timeless course in the guiding principles that form the bedrock of the Constitution of the United States of America. The author, Mr. Ben Gilmore, a master teacher, whose engaging and practical teaching style has prepared thousands to embrace a Biblical understanding of government begins the book by introducing us to God as Governor of the Universe, basing the study of government squarely where it must begin, thus providing an enriching and unforgettable perception of all government. The content is written in a manner that can be presented as a course in classrooms, churches, schools and communities, or adaptable to high school curriculum or home educating students. The book includes the Seven Principles of American Government with an in-depth explanation and study of each principle, plus how to win a debate with those who deny or are unaware of America’s Christian history. Through this book Mr. Gilmore instructs today’s Americans in the Biblical and governmental principles established at the founding of our nation. Studying these ideas will illuminate modern day issues and events for Americans, and equip them with the skills to reason well in order to restore the liberty and unity that our Founding Fathers had in mind. 140 pages $29.95

Order NowNation Makers: The Art of Self-Government plants the Idea of America in the hearts and minds of Americans in each new generation. It is not a history course although it imparts an important foundational understanding of all history. It is not a philosophy course although it deals primarily with worldview. It is not a Bible course although it inculcates Biblical principles for life-long discernment. Nation Makers is a course in reasoning designed to form habits of thinking along with opportunities to develop strong skills of articulation and application. Completely revised with student help, questions, charts and includes a companion teacher guide. This full-color book is expanded to 142 pages, designed to direct discussion of ideas, as well as exercise reasoning skills . Includes FREE PDF downloadable Teacher Planner (download instructions provided upon checkout). 142 pages $29.95

Biblical Liberty Library Bundle American Christian History Bundle American Dictionary of the English Language Noah Webster 1828
American Christian History Bundle
Sale Price: $180.40
Adjusted Price: $144.32
You save $36.08!
American Dictionary of the English Language Noah Webster 1828
Sale Price: $80.65
Adjusted Price: $64.55
You save $16.10!
Build your Biblical library and develop your worldview and understanding of American Christian history with these study essentials. Build your Christian History library starting with these classic volumes. This set includes... American Dictionary of the English Language Noah Webster 1828
Documenting America's history and the theology that created the American Constitution.  Connect Christianity, individual liberty, and local self-government to reclaim America's purpose. Discover America’s Christian history and God’s providence in the foundation and forming of the world’s first Christian constitutional republic and the United States of America’s place on the Chain of Christianity moving westward George Washington: The Character and Influence of One Man
The Biblical roots of the Constitution Verna M. Hall's classic compilation of America's Christian history. New Founders Edition 2006. The character needed for restoring America's political leadership in the 21st century.
Teaching and Learning America's Christian History: The Principle Approach The Christian History of the American Revolution: Consider and Ponder The Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America Christian Self-government with Union Vol. II
Designed as the basic study guide for Christian History of the Constitution I (CHOC I) This volume is indispensable to the student incomprehending God's vision for liberty and government, his responsibility as a Christian citizen, and the standard to which we must hold our leaders to sustain our Constitutional Republic. In Volume II, Verna M. Hall describes the uniqueness of American Christianity and its relationship to civil government as she again uncovers founding x.
The Noah Plan® Literature Curriculum Guide: K-12 The Bible and the Constitution Mayflower Edition A Republic If You Can Keep It: America's Authentic Liberty Confronts Contemporary Counterfeits
The Noah Plan® Literature Curriculum Guide presents the rich elementary, middle school, and high school Christian History Literature program originally designed by Rosalie June Slater. A compilation of primary source documents authenticating the Bible as a major influence on the making of the U.S. Constitution. America's Christian Principles of civil and religious liberty are just as relevant to the complex issues presented by the twenty-first century.
America's Providential History Study Guide to The Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America: Christian Self-government with Union We the People: Keepers of Liberty (Journal Volume VIII)

Studied in 3-8th grade history, this book presents a providential view of significant events beginning with ancient history and leading to the establishment of America.

Study Guide for The Christian History of the Constitution of the United States of America: Christian Self-government with Union Volume II. Volume VIII: We The People features "Biblical Law and The United States Constitution”
The Bible and the Constitution - A primer of American Liberty Teaching Christopher Columbus, Christ-bearer to the New World Teaching Providential History
A compilation of primary source documents authenticating the Bible as a major influence on the making of the Constitution. Includes new... A guide to teaching the life and contribution of Christopher Columbus and the StoneBridge School Columbus Quincentenary event—a week-long, hands-on, celebration... This guide prepares you to teach providential history at every Grade. The newly revised edition has been expanded to include more articles, maps and timelines for understanding the imperative of a providential view of history. Introductions to the guide and to the readings help frame...
Teaching Thomas Jefferson Teaching George Washington Teaching George Washington Notebook Packet
Teaching Thomas Jefferson
Sale Price: $14.95
Teaching George Washington
Sale Price: $14.95
Teaching Thomas Jefferson is a study of our third president written by Rosalie Slater and edited by Carole Adams. Inspire your students and yourself with this moving study of the real George Washington. Directs the study of the book, George Washington: Character and Influence of One Man, to be reflective and to keep a record of the study. To be used as a supplement to George Washington Teacher Guide.
Noah Webster Teacher Guide
Noah Webster Teacher Guide
Sale Price: $10.95
This teacher guide prepares you to teach a biography of Noah Webster, father of American Christian Scholarship and Education.